Now that I'm nearing the end of my second trimester, I've decided to do a weekly update. Since week 12, I've been posting a weekly photo on Instagram, but with my failing memory, I'd like to further document the remainder of my first pregnancy on the blog. When my BFF Nicole was pregnant, I enjoyed following her weekly blog update. It's hard to believe that her beautiful Ellie is almost a year old! I feel like I keep saying this, but time really flies and Little M will be here before I know it.
How far long? 26 weeks
Baby size? about 14.02 inches and 2 pounds
Total weight gain? 12 pounds {confession - I've probably gained just a bit more. I keep forgetting to replace the battery in our scale at home!}
Maternity clothes? Yes, even though I can still wear most of my pre-pregnancy clothes {i.e. by using the rubber band/hair tie method with my jeans/shorts}. I do have one pair of maternity jeans from H&M, which are for the weekends. I'll be buying another pair, because they are incredibly comfortable. For work, I have a maternity skirt, pair of pants {trousers for UK friends} and some dresses. Most of my pre-pregnancy work dresses and casual shirts still fit but are becoming snug. I doubt they'll last much longer.
Sleep? I have been sleeping well for a few hours at a time. When I do wake up, it's usually because of back pain, and once I get comfortable again, I quickly fall asleep. My pregnancy pillow has been helpful too.
Best moment(s) this week? Feeling Little M move around on my train ride home from work. Makes for a more enjoyable commute. :)
Miss anything? Cider!
Movement? Yes, even though Little M seems to be more relaxed at night. He's been moving more during the day.
Food Cravings? Sushi! I liked sushi before and have been craving it a lot since the beginning of this pregnancy. Please don't worry - I've only eaten cooked fish.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope - not since week 12.
Gender? Boy!!!
Labor signs? No
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding ring on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy {unless I have to stand the majority of my train ride, which is rare}
Looking forward to? Jeff coming home from Slovakia on Thursday!!
I haven't even met him yet, and my sweet boy has already been such a blessing in my life! I know I sound like a broken record, but it's so wonderfully true. There is so much joy with every move he makes and thinking of him brings a huge smile to my face. It's difficult at times not to get too anxious because I really want him here now. I rest in God's timing being best and look forward to the day Little M arrives!