Tuesday, July 31, 2012

London 2012

The front page of The Times last Friday, July 27, 2012.

 I don't really remember paying much attention to previous Olympic Games, but how can I not pay attention when I now live where it's being held?! There has been a lot of excitement mixed with a lot of hesitation - commuters haven't been too keen on the influx of tourists. Last week before the Olympics starting, it never failed that while I was on the Northern tube line heading to work, at Charring Cross, the stop before Leicester Square (where I get off), there would be a huge tourist group that would pile on. This made it a bit more difficult to exit the tube, but I understand why they are here and don't take it personally when my personal bubble is momentarily invaded. Some Londoners get so upset. Sure it isn't fun if you end up late to work or get shoved too close to a stranger on the tube, but don't let it ruin your day - the Olympics are being hosted in London for goodness sake! Enjoy that aspect of it!! For those who have grown up in Texas or just know of it's delightful summer heat (which my body is yearning for with all the rain I've been subjected to recently), you know that no city there will ever be considered to host the Olympics. So again, for me to now be living in London as the Olympics are taking place is incredible. I never thought this would happen.

Now that the Olympics are going on, my commute to and from work has been great; I've even been able to find a seat on the train and tube, which I don't ever get normally. I think we were told to expect the worst, so that if it did happen we wouldn't be surprised. So far, so good. I think the fact that a lot of people are working from home has helped too.

This was my view while on the train heading to work on Monday. Hello empty seats!

Last Monday, July 23rd, the Olympic Torch came down one of the main streets we live off. Jeff and I were both able to get home in time to see the Relay Team and mini parade pass by. Jeff even remembered to bring our good camera to capture the fun! Here are a mix of photos that he and I took. 

Crowds lined along the street. 

Beginning of the parade.

Olympic Torch Relay 2012

Us excited to see the Olympic Torch.

Obligatory Yoda shot with the Olympic Torch.

It came and went fast, but what a sight!

A neat shot of the Olympic Torch from behind.

So many people excited to see the Olympic Torch.

 Jeff and I watched the Opening Ceremony at one of our friend's flats. We had a great time! I didn't realize there were so many countries that I didn't know existed! I definitely need to work on Geography! 
Jeff and I only have tickets to one event for the Olympics - wait for it... Freestyle Wrestling, a very coveted event for sure. ;) Sarcasm aside, we are grateful to have tickets at all! By the time we knew we were moving here, England's tickets were already sold out and we weren't residents then anyway, so it didn't matter. Thankfully, Jeff was sent to Spain for a hotel assessment project a few months ago. Spain was the only country to sell their tickets over the counter, so while Jeff was in Madrid, he went to FNAC, the ticket holder, and purchased our tickets! Thank goodness for a school background that taught Spanish! We have to wait until the final day of the Olympics, August 12, to watch our event at the Excel Center, but we hope to see some of the public events in the meantime. 

Jeff and I will also be attending the Paralympics in September. I am super excited about the event we are going to see, which is the Bronze Medal Match for Men's Goalball. If you aren't familiar with Goalball (a team sport for individuals who are visually-impaired), check out this video. A large part of my college years, I studied a lot about people with disabilities and, in some classes, I learned about the Paralympics and it's events. I've even played Goalball - very challenging but fun! For our 5 year anniversary, Jeff bought me these Paralympic tickets - such an amazing gift! Goalball will be held in Olympic Park, so we will be able to see the largest Olympic complex (Olympic Stadium, Copper Box, Aquatics Center, etc...). It's going to be great!

Lastly, I will leave you with a picture of the oddly official mascot of the Olympics. I've got some catching up to do on the blog - our anniversary trip and Jeff's parent's visit hopefully to come within the next couple of weeks!

Meet Wenlock - the weird, but official 2012 Olympic Mascot.